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Questions tagged [use-of-force]

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What is the legal justification for education staff and/or accompanying police forcing entry to dwellings in the case of truancy?

There is a news article about the crackdown on non-attendance at school. It includes the statement: Parents have told us about very strict schools actually forcing entry to their homes. Schools are ...
User65535's user avatar
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How do US self defence law apply to protest camps?

In the US self defence laws appear somewhat on the side of the defender, particularly when ones home is attacked, compared to the UK for example. These has been an example where third parties, ie. not ...
User65535's user avatar
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Is throwing a cup of sewage considered lethal force?

Warning for disgusting content 37s long surveillance video of Man walking up to someone and emptying a cup of contents from toilet. Are you allowed to use ...
IKnowNothing's user avatar
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What does it mean to be unlawfully at large?

S3 criminal law act 1967 makes reference to circumstances in which someone is “unlawfully at large.” What specifically does this mean?
TylerDurden's user avatar
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When investigating a bogus report, can police enter a home?

Let's say that neighbors can hear glass cracking and screams coming from within a house. After hearing it, one of the neighbors notifies the police, who come inside the house and handcuff the lone ...'s user avatar
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Law on Forced Marriage in the USA

Main question: The specific US legal statutes on forced marriage (would expect federal, yet not sure)? Reading through Wikipedia, I was surprised to find that Forced Marriage only became illegal in ...
G. Putnam's user avatar
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Force allowed against pickpocket

If a victim catches a pickpocket in the act, what degree of force is legally justified by the victim against the pickpocket, given that pickpockets do not usually pose a threat of violence, but the ...
FlanMan's user avatar
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Is it legal to use force against a person who is trying to stop you from rescuing another person?

Alice has been severely injured or is otherwise in danger. Eve wants to help Alice, but Bob is somehow preventing her from getting to Alice. Assume that Bob is not threatening to harm Eve; he is only ...
Someone's user avatar
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What amount of force, if any, can be used to prevent animal abuse?

What amount of physical force, if any, can be used to prevent animal abuse (a dog's owner hitting the dog, with a minor present) in Oregon? Is it legal to restrain the owner? Take the dog to a safe ...
user47924's user avatar
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Can the police make it a crime to put your hands in your pockets?

It is in the news that the police handcuffed a woman claiming she "reached" towards her pockets after being told not to. Looking at the government and Metropolitan Police web pages there is ...
User65535's user avatar
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What are the legal restrictions on police Taser use?

Looking online it is hard to find the specific rules for Taser use by the police. I have found this from the National Police Chiefs' Concil: Why use [Conducted Energy Devices (CED)] at all? CEDs ...
User65535's user avatar
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Are law enforcers allowed to kill killers and why?

One solution to killing is the use of force to prevent the killer from killing. During the process of using preventive force, the enforcers are sometimes left with no option but to kill the killer. In ...
damat-perdigannat's user avatar
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How is the "reasonable force" requirement applied to fights that end up in a grapple?

In the England and Wales ones right to respond to attacks is limited to what is considered "reasonable force". The CPS sum up with a quote from Palmer v R, [1971] AC 814: It is both good ...
Rod's user avatar
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Suing of Forced Kidney Transplant

I watched this video, and this mother, whose daughter needed a kidney transplant, adopted this child. She treated her nicely, but only because she wanted her daughter to get a kidney from the girl who ...
Coder2195's user avatar
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Do police have special protection in shootings, related to Breonna Taylor

I know this is a hot button issue. I was reading about self defense with a firearm and found the general rule that a person that instigates a fight cannot use a self defense argument when using deadly ...
kd4ttc's user avatar
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How should Garrett Rolfe have acted when Rayshard Brooks tried to tase him?

What should he have done to avoid prosecution?
Ella Hewett's user avatar
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Can I intervene to stop police brutality?

For example, in an Eric Garner type situation - if I see police on a guy's back. The guy is saying and demonstrating that he can't breathe. Can I physically pull or push the police officer, in order ...
Dingredient's user avatar
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Is Plummer v State still valid under contemporary law?

Apparently, in Plummer v State back in 1893, the court ruled an individual may act in self-defense against a police officer provided there is unlawful use of force. Note, this does not mean self-...
user581844's user avatar
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Why is use of force justified in this way?

Typically when we see an officer on the media for their use of force, even when the other person was a danger, we see the general public retort with something of the form "lesser force could have been ...
Lex_i's user avatar
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Are plain clothes police officers allowed to use force to make an arrest?

Disclaimer: I'm not related to this case in any way shape or form, I'm just a citizen trying to look at this without bias. Recently there was an issue in Massachusettes where a group of skaters were ...
knocked loose's user avatar
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Would it be legal to use deadly force in a stampede?

Imagine a stampede where there is a reasonable fear of death or grievous bodily harm. Would it be legal for a victim to use deadly force in the form of a gun or knife in this scenario? In states ...
Daniel Grover's user avatar
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Can law enforcement/military shoot to kill for merely making a phone call that is deemed treasonous?

Warning: This question contains spoilers to the film Arrival (2016). If that bothers you, move on now. In the 2016 film Arrival, humanity confronts a crisis with the arrival of a dozen alien ...
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