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In Blackadder Goes Forth, Corporal Punishment, Captain Darling (Counsel for Prosecution) is a defense witness. Is this allowed in a court martial? Basically, Lieutenant George (accidentally called to be the defense counsel, because Baldrick sent for the wrong person) tries to get Captain ...
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Jury and Witness intimidation via Bible quotes

Let's say in this hypothetical scenario you have an extremely devout Christian man on trial for a crime where he could be executed. He gets called to the stand and under examination makes a speech. In ...
user55665484375's user avatar
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The persons who wear face coverings, such as a niqab, is it permissible for a court to require them to not wear it during testimony?

It would help if they were lying on the stand, but more commonly, the jury or the judge who is the trier of fact and decides what weight to give testimony might benefit from being able to see facial ...
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