I was stopped for holding my phone while driving; I was listening to a podcast on speaker, and the phone was locked. --- In [625 ILCS 5/12-610.2][1], subsection (b) says > A person may not operate a motor vehicle on a roadway while using an electronic communication device. Prior to [this amendment][2], this subsection was less vague: > A person may not operate a motor vehicle on a roadway while using an electronic communication device to compose, send, or read an electronic message. --- * Was I in violation of Illinois' "hands-free pone" law? * What constitutes __use__ in this context? * How could the prosecutor prove I was actually using, and not just holding, a phone? (I wasn't fined; this is a hypothetical question) [1]: http://ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/fulltext.asp?DocName=062500050K12-610.2 [2]: http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/fulltext.asp?DocName=&SessionId=85&GA=98&DocTypeId=HB&DocNum=1247&GAID=12&LegID=&SpecSess=&Session#sthash.cEqSi4GO.dpuf