[In 21-22][1], "Other Premiums, Fees and Licences" collected by Alberta's Ministry of Justice and Solicitor General totaled $28.1 million. This includes "fees for some of the services provided to the public, including: ... trial." [In 21-22][2], Alberta's "Court and Justice Services" had operating expenses of $190 million. This includes the 136 provincially paid Provincial Court judges, [who were paid $318,500 for this period][3]. That does not include the salaries paid by Canada to the 80 judges of the Court of King's Bench and the Alberta Court of Appeal, [who are paid $338,800 each, except for the Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices, who are paid $371,400 each][4]. In 2012, [Deloitte provided accounting of British Columbia's hearing fee revenue compared to the costs of the trials/hearings][5]. It concluded that from 2007-09, fees were only recovering between 43 and 49% of the costs of trials/hearings. This was not even counting "costs for courtroom equipment, CSB headquarters or regional administration costs, building occupancy costs for maintaining washrooms, hallways and other facility services and registry or judicial furniture, computers IP charge/LAN drops and telephone line charges." This all suggests that they ran at a substantial loss. [1]: https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/a78bb4dd-3eb5-46f1-ad45-169ae9907bde/resource/c2624956-7d49-49d2-b5ac-dc52cca3f5fb/download/jsg-annual-report-2021-2022.pdf [2]: https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/6d0f1358-beb5-4bb7-8da1-a350a138039c/resource/36771cab-bee0-44b5-99ad-a03d88da653c/download/budget-2022-fiscal-plan-2022-25.pdf [3]: https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/1266.cfm?page=1998_176.cfm&leg_type=Regs&isbncln=9780779837359&display=html [4]: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/j-1/FullText.html [5]: https://canlii.ca/t/frfk7#par143