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20 votes

Does the DMCA takedown procedure apply if the original work is not online?

The relevant law requires only that the notice must provide "Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed" and "Identification of the material that is claimed ...
user6726's user avatar
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7 votes

Does the DMCA takedown procedure apply if the original work is not online?

Yes. Many works do not exist online. Like books. You can DMCA a book that only exists physically. It's a little more complicated than for a webpage or online available one, but it works.
Trish's user avatar
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3 votes

If a user posts illegal content on a service hosted by an entity, who is liable?

(Not an expert) The user who posts the content is liable. Popehat: Deplatformed: Social Media Censorship and the First Amendment So, to address these issues, Congress passed Section 230. It’s been ...
Allure's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it legal to circumvent DVD CSS to create a backup for private use in Australia?

DVDs are not “in analog form” s110AA does not apply to DVDs because of this. Australian copyright law does not use the US concept of fair use but rather the fair dealing. Fair use does not set a ...
Dale M's user avatar
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1 vote

HELP!!! Court order for a DMCA counter notice

It means what it says You have allegedly violated the Japanese person's copyright. They can sue you for that if they want. If they tell Twitter within ten days that they have commenced a lawsuit, ...
Dale M's user avatar
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