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5 votes

Are political flags equivalent to signs?

Are political Flags ("Trump 2024") prohibited under the HOA's no signs rule? Why or why not? Probably. The Florida statute seems to imply that a flag is a type of sign and usually a ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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4 votes

Are political flags equivalent to signs?

That is going to depend on just how the bylaws define "sign" (if they include a definition). It will also depend on caselaw. In some states (Including I think NJ) courts have held HOA rules ...
David Siegel's user avatar
3 votes

"Reasonable Rules"

In any law or government regulation, a requirement that a practice or rule must be "reasonable" means that it is initially up to the judgement of the responsible party, and ultimately up to ...
David Siegel's user avatar
1 vote

Eligibility to build on a FL Condominium Common Area?

A few general reactions: Building anything on common HOA property without HOA permission probably violates the HOA governing documents. The HOA could probably fine you or enjoin you from doing so. If ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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1 vote

Are political flags equivalent to signs?

I have dealt with this situation in the past. You have a non-governmental entity like a nonprofit Board of Directors (which is what HOA's are; a type of 501(C) organization). They have the legal ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
1 vote

FS718: Majority vote at Meeting of the association

A board meeting is not a “meeting of the association” A meeting of the association is a meeting of all the members; not a subset of members like the board. How to call such a meeting will be set out ...
Dale M's user avatar
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