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6 votes

If the legislature wrote into law "black is white", how would the judiciary react?

There was a recent case in the US state of California (Almond Alliance v. California Fish & Game Commission) that got a lot of press because the court found that bees were fish. The California ...
Justin Cave's user avatar
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6 votes

Would Vivek Ramaswamy have the power to release the full Geoffrey Epstein client lists?

Would Vivek Ramaswamy have the power to release the full Geoffrey Epstein client lists? No. The case was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, a federal trial court ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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4 votes

Do judges in any country have limitations on how they interpret laws and constitutions?

The answer from Greendrake is correct as far as it goes. But there are some other factors. Decisions of lower court judges can be appealed to higher courts, and sometimes can also be collaterally ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I report a judge for Bias and misusing his powers in court

united-states Most states have a "judicial review board" or a "judicial review council" empowered to investigate misconduct by judges. Here's the website of the Connecticut ...
Michael Seifert's user avatar
3 votes

Do judges in any country have limitations on how they interpret laws and constitutions?

Do judges in any country have any limitations on how they interpret laws and constitutions, other than the threat of being removed with a large majority? Not in the countries with genuine judicial ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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2 votes

If the legislature wrote into law "black is white", how would the judiciary react?

Statutes do not define words in a vaccuum. Or if they do, there just is no effect. Statutes define words for particular purposes in particular contexts. Statutory definitions are also used to expand ...
Jen's user avatar
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