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75 votes

Landlord wants to switch my lease to a "Land contract" to "get back at the city"

A "land contract" is not a way of renting property, it is a way of purchasing property on an installment basis without bank financing. It is Ohio's version of what in some other places is known as "...
David Siegel's user avatar
66 votes

Can a landlord fine me for a non-existent business being listed at my address on Google Maps

The legal position You are quite clearly not running a business and if the matter went to court you could easily prove this be e.g. getting testimony from the people at the party, your testimony etc. ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 218k
48 votes

Landlord wants access to CCTV footage after we leave and possibly in realtime while we live there

This article basically says "it depends": If it is genuinely used to improve tenant safety then that is OK, but if it is used to track your private life then that is not acceptable. ...
Paul Johnson's user avatar
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26 votes

Can I legally refuse entry to a landlord?

In general, a German landlord needs to give at least 24 hours notice before he can enter a home, and allowance from the renter. The renter also has the "Hausrecht", not the landlord. There ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 43.2k
23 votes

Landlord wants to switch my lease to a "Land contract" to "get back at the city"

This is buying a house. If that's not what you mean to do, watch out! Even so, watch out. Honestly, if it hadn't occurred to you until now to buy a house, this isn't for you. If this has piqued ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
23 votes

Can a landlord sell their rental income from a tenant to a third party?

The tenant wouldn't be involved in this at all. The tenant rents from the landlord, and the landlord gives them an account number where the tenant sends the money every month. How would the tenant be ...
gnasher729's user avatar
  • 35.1k
18 votes

Can a landlord sell their rental income from a tenant to a third party?

Debt factoring is common practice Fees generally range about 1-2% higher than mortgage rates depending on how prevalent bad debts are in the industry. This means I can get what you’re selling for less ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 218k
17 votes

Can a landlord sell their rental income from a tenant to a third party?

It is not uncommon for a landlord to instruct tenants to make payments via a lockbox service to an address other than the landlord's business office address. It is also not uncommon for a landlord to ...
David Siegel's user avatar
15 votes

Can a landlord ask me to see my luggage when moving in?

Once your rental contract starts, your landlord must give you access to the rented flat. If he doesn't do so he is in breach of contract. You could sue him, but that would be a bad start for a longer ...
Sefe's user avatar
  • 669
14 votes

Tenant is asking to repair a built-in closet. It was fine when they moved in

Fair wear and tear Means the normal deterioration of a property from ordinary, everyday use. Exposure to the elements, time, as well as day to day living can cause fair wear and tear. Breakages as a ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 218k
14 votes

Can a Defendant Insist on Cross Examining the Plaintiff Directly in a LT Trial?

Yes, Defendant may compel Plaintiff to appear and may cross-examine Plaintiff personally. The right to counsel does not include the right to have an attorney testify for you at trial. At trial or ...
bdb484's user avatar
  • 61.4k
14 votes

What legal rights does a German landlord have over you if you stop paying rent?

Reduction of Rent needs to be accepted To have the right to pay less rent, you need to properly disclose the problem to the landlord timely and in writing. Only in emergencies (e.g. water main or ...
Trish's user avatar
  • 43.2k
13 votes

How much ocean does a person with a beachhouse own and what can he do with it?

California has a particular set of regulations addressing coastal land ownership, detailed at In short, everything below the high-tide mark along the coast is public ...
jeffronicus's user avatar
12 votes

Is it legal for a landlord to refuse a lease because an Occupant on the application is an undocumented immigrant?

The default rule is that a landlord can refuse to rent to anyone for any reason, in which case the landlord can refuse to rent in this case. There are civil rights laws that limit this discretion in ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 230k
12 votes

In "he said"/ "she said" discrepancies, how must a landlord prove timely valid service of eviction notices?

The onus lies on the landlord The landlord is the one asserting a right (to evict), therefore, they bear the onus of proving that they have that right. The court will look at the evidence both parties ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 218k
11 votes

What happens when a subtenant becomes the landlord in California?

Just think of the subtenant cum owner as two separate people with two separate roles. Tenant = T Subtenant = ST Old owner = OO New Owner = NO The rights of the tenant vis-avis the new owner will be ...
Damila's user avatar
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10 votes

Landlord wants access to CCTV footage after we leave and possibly in realtime while we live there

Adding to Paul's answer, you have considerable protections under GDPR here, and there's a host of angles you can use to get your data removed, or have it not collected in the first place. Your ...
lupe's user avatar
  • 439
9 votes

Can a landlord demand that a house rented when new be returned to "new" condition?

You have acknowledged that the house was in "new" condition, which establishes a baseline for determining if the present state is normal wear and tear. The lease and California law agree that normal ...
user6726's user avatar
  • 216k
9 votes

Can a Defendant Insist on Cross Examining the Plaintiff Directly in a LT Trial?

If the plaintiff chooses to testify (as s/he might very well, because the plaintiff often best knows the events giving rise to the cause of action) the defendant (or the defendant's lawyer) may cross-...
David Siegel's user avatar
9 votes

Is there an inherent legal obligation to repay a guarantor?

united-states Does the use of a guarantor give the tenant an automatic legal responsibility to repay them? Yes, unless a contract expressly says otherwise. A guarantor has the right to recover what ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 230k
9 votes

Can renters take advantage of adverse possession under certain situations?

No The criteria for adverse possession is that you have to be in possession without permission. A tenant, even one that pays no rent (or stops paying rent), has permission.
Dale M's user avatar
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8 votes

U.S. - "tough love" eviction of child (non-minor, not paying rent)

Before you go changing locks, you might want to hire an attorney. There is law in Ohio that governs "such" relationship, which are typically landlord-tenant relationships, but might not be strictly ...
user6726's user avatar
  • 216k
8 votes

What kind of compensatory damages are available in a class action lawsuit (landlord/tenant)

Usually, the compensation would be B (economic damages plus prejudgment interest at the appropriate rate), together with court costs other than attorney fees. But the lease, or depending on the exact ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
  • 230k
8 votes

Are there any repercussions for my landlord having us sign the wrong lease?

You signed the lease In general, this is definitive of your intention to have a month-to-month lease. Any correspondence that you have prior to you signing that you wanted or even agreed on a yearly ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 218k
7 votes

Do you have to evict someone who was staying with you without contract or lease, but left without warning?

Your question seems to be about abandoned property and whether Missouri’s statute on disposing of property after a tenant abandons his/her property applies. See Mo. Rev. State. Ann. § 441.065 (“...
Mr_V's user avatar
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7 votes

How can anyone own land without theft?

There is no "theft" without a law that defines what "property" is and what "theft" is. Laws derive from the state that has the power to enforce them. A state may issue the laws and decrees and ...
SJuan76's user avatar
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7 votes

Is sex for rent considered prostitution in Australia

'Prostitution' is neither wholly legal nor wholly illegal in Australia. Some prostitution is legal and other prostitution is not. The rules differ from State to State. In Victoria the relevant law is ...
Patrick Conheady's user avatar
7 votes

How much ocean does a person with a beachhouse own and what can he do with it?

Ownership of coastal land is controlled by the California Civil Code, which reserves land below the mean high water mark to the state: Section 670: [670.] Section Six Hundred and Seventy. The ...
phoog's user avatar
  • 38.8k

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