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3 votes

Why are legal journal articles so long-winded?

Law doesn't have a monopoly on bad writing. Steven Pinker, in "Sense of Style" and other articles, says that the kind of poor writing you mention is a symptom of the "curse of knowledge". Justice ...
K-C's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are legal journal articles so long-winded?

The customary length of a law review article is to a great extent a matter of tradition and historical issues like length limitations. There are many people who believe that law review articles are ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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2 votes

Why are legal journal articles so long-winded?

At least in common law jurisdictions, where judicial precedent forms a large part of the way the law works, the authors of academic or review articles are often at pains to avoid appearing to prejudge ...
phisheep's user avatar
2 votes

Why are legal journal articles so long-winded?

I think the underlying reason is the requirement (somewhat shared with philosophy) to be exhaustive, i.e. cover all perspectives on a question and all relevant facts. Short articles narrowly focused ...
user6726's user avatar
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