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jcaron's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
12 votes

Is it punishable to purchase (knowingly) illegal copies where legal ones are not available?

9 votes

In the UK, can a landlord/agent add new tenants to a joint tenancy agreement without the consent of the current tenants?

8 votes

How can felons be denied Constitutional rights?

8 votes

What is the legality of copyrighting an already copyrighted and trademarked logo?

5 votes

Can a company in Germany hire a remote worker from Iran?

5 votes

Can an adult sue someone who violated them as a child?

4 votes

Does derivative works law allow someone to create a new work based on an old one as long as they make modifications?

3 votes

Suppose I pay by money order, not debit card. If the mechant scams me, will the Post Office refund me?

3 votes

Micro businesses in EU selling electronic goods, how to comply with EU VAT regulations?

3 votes

Drinking (alcohol) in the passenger seat/backseat of a car/taxi in the States

2 votes

How risky is it to mail DVDs of pirated movies to other countries?

1 vote

Is it against the constitution to require restaurants to only serve people with a vaccine certificate in the United States?

1 vote

I'm a US citizen opening a business in the EU: where do I file taxes?

0 votes

Regulation of data (ISP's)