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Here is the thing. I moved into the property on 25th August 2016. I was told that after the first six months, if I do not give notice, it is assumed that I can continue to live (rent).

Now I'd like to move out and terminate the tenancy. Do I still have to give TWO months notice? How do I interpret

This Notice can only expire after the first six months of the Tenancy. (The Tenant agrees not to serve such notice to fall due between 1st December and 15th January in any year)

Also, for 19.4

To pay to the Agent £195+vat towards check-out administration costs at the end or sooner termination of the Tenancy.(This administration charge is reduced to £145+vat where total duration of stay is 12 months or more

Can I agree to pay £145+vat to get a shorter notice? Say to terminate next week?


1 Answer 1


Yes, you have to give 2 months notice and you have to pay £145 + VAT

The first clause says your notice cannot end within 6 months of the start of the lease: that is long gone.

You pay the lower fee because you will have stayed longer than 12 months by the time your 2 months notice expires.

You can try to negotiate a shorter notice period - they have advantages in relenting if you move out earlier.

  • I am not sure if I understand this "This Notice can only expire..........". I thought this means I don't have to give two months notice now? I have now already lived for 12 months. September would be the 13th month. And the Tenancy is only for "one year", normally. Commented Aug 31, 2017 at 22:54
  • 1
    No; the section you quote means that you can't end the tenancy in the first 6 months, which is normal for an AST. Commented Sep 1, 2017 at 15:03

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