Alice, a manager at Big Mart, observes Bob leaving Big Mart with three large flat panel plasma screen television sets.
Alice asks Bob to produce his receipt.
Bob refuses.
Alice calls a police officer, Charlotte, to the scene and informs Charlotte that Alice saw Bob leaving the store with store merchandise but did not see Bob pay for it and Bob refused to produce his receipt when questioned.
Charlotte asks Bob to produce his receipt for the items.
Bob refuses Charlotte's request.
Charlotte asks Bob if he paid for the merchandise. Bob responds by stating he is not legally required to produce his receipt nor answer any of Charlotte's questions.
Is Bob under any legal obligation to show his receipt to either Alice or Charlotte?
Can Charlotte legally detain Bob?
What, if any, additional facts or evidence must come into play in order for Charlotte to arrest Bob?
In the absence of an arrest, can Charlotte forcibly handcuff Bob and force him into her police car to take him to the police office for questioning?
How does police procedure and the law work in this case?