You're probably fine. There's three points here that might commonly be governed by copyright law: the export from India, the import into the United States, and the sale of the book (generally it's the seller and not the purchaser on the hook). You're not the seller, and you're also probably not the exporter so import is the only thing you would need to worry about.
Likely Amazon is the importer, however, some quick searching around led me to a Canadian Amazon page which made clear that there are instances where you would act as the importer (I'm unsure if there's an equivalent US page).
Under US law, import and even resale of a book made lawfully according to US copyright law is legal. This is true even if that book was manufactured overseas, as the Supreme Court expressed in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc..
I'm less familiar with Indian copyright law, though since copyright law is usually territorial, it's unlikely that your US-based actions would be in violation of Indian law. However, it's entirely possible whoever sold/exported the book is in violation of Indian copyright law.