In reading this thread: In the USA, do parents have the right to control their children's possessions?
It made me wonder... What responsibility do parents have to keep and maintain the property of their children? An example here would be when a young child — infant, toddler, pre-adolescent — receives gifts for birthdays, Christmas, etc. They will outgrow these in short-order, stop playing with them, etc.
In the referenced thread, the consensus seems to be that those gifts belong solely to the child and the parent has no claim over them. So, as a parent, are we obligated to hold them in storage until a child reaches an age where they can grant consent for us to dispose of them? At what age could a child grant such consent? And, if we dispose of them sooner, are we ultimately committing a crime (i.e. theft)?
As the child's legal guardian, do we not have ultimate say over their legal affairs until they turn 18, and if so, would we not have legal authority over the management (including disposal, sale, transfer, etc.) of their assets? Isn't such control a basic tenant of guardianship?