Say I have made a great piece of art that people want to print and sell posters of, and also that I really, really hate Steve.
Can I write a license to print and sell posters of my art where, if you sell a poster to Steve, the entire license is revoked retroactively, and all the posters you printed and sold are now unlicensed, and not just the one you sold to Steve? Like, the license for all the posters is conditioned on, in the future, never selling one to Steve?
If so, I could collect more actual damages, because your profit on all your posters, and not just on the one you sold to Steve and subsequent ones, would be actual damages, right?
But, it seems strange for the question of whether a particular copy infringes copyright to be undecided indefinitely. A poster could have been sold on and imported and exported several times and then suddenly decades later become an infringing copy subject to seizure and destruction.