Carl wants to commit a crime. He gets input from Scarlet. Little does Carl know that Scarlet is a Scammer, and leads Carl into a scam. Under normal circumstances, Carl might press charges against Scarlet for e.g. fraud. But Carl was literally trying to commit a crime in the first place. Is there any way for Carl to get any justice against Scarlet without incriminating himself and facing legal action? Or is Carl safe because "intent" to commit illegal actions isn't heavily punished in these cases?
A few examples I have in mind are:
- Scarlet gives Carl a program to view illegal content (e.g. kiddie porn). When Carl runs the program, it hacks his computer and steals all his passwords, info, etc.
- Scarlet gives Carl and many others an "insider trading" tip, that Carl acts upon. Carl loses money, because Scarlet gave the fake tip for nefarious purposes.
- Scarlet says she'll murder someone for Carl for $1mil up front. Scarlet takes the money and then runs away.
Basically: can one commit crimes against criminals because criminals have more to lose from admitting to the crime than they have to gain by pursuing justice against you?