I am not sure if this is the right form to ask this question, so please tell me if I should post this somewhere else.
There are some websites (like this) that have part of the page free to view, and the rest of the page is locked behind a paywall/subscription/trial/registration.
Now, these websites send over all all the content, even content that is supposed to be behind a paywall, and just hide the content with a CSS class. This means that the page contains all the content, but some of it is hidden by the browser on my end. So, this means that if the CSS engine of my browser breaks, or the stylesheet is not received properly, or I analyze the source of the website, I can read the whole content, without any sort of payment. The whole content is buried in the source of the page, I am not accessing URLs that I am not supposed to.
Now, I know that no website is going to care about this, but I am curious, am I breaking any terms and conditions/laws by doing this. On one hand, I am entirely within my rights to see the content that the website is sending in any form I see fit. On the other hand, I am not viewing the content in the way the original authors envisioned.
Note: I am in India, and most sites are based in the US or EU. So, I am interested in whichever countries' jurisdiction will apply.