I recently moved into an apartment in Chicago and sent my security deposit check to the landlord about 2 weeks before moving in. Now, 1 week after moving in (about 3 weeks after initially sending the check) my landlord has emailed me regarding setting up an account in my name for the security deposit.
In his email he has asked for the following:
- Date of birth
- Address
- Phone number
- Occupation
- Government issued ID
- Completed W9
This seems odd to me for several reasons:
Is there risk involved in him opening an account under my name? For instance he has some sort of access to it I assume, what if he misuses it in some way and my name is on the account?
Email does not seem like the correct place to request all of this sensitive information.
Why would he be starting this process just now, 3 weeks later?
The above are just my concerns, my real question is: Is this normal practice/should I provide information as is? If not then what would be the correct course of action?
I apologize if this is in the wrong network, if it belongs somewhere else (i.e. personal finance) let me know and I will move it.