Basically what happened is a coworker made a false statement about me, relating to my work, on Social Media. I reported it to HR. HR wants me to sign the following. I'm concerned with how broad and general it is.
By participating in the investigation brought to my attention, I understand that I have been asked to participate in providing information under a current open investigation process. In that regard, unless it is necessary to obtain professional advice, I agree to not disclose, or discuss with anyone, any matters relating to the investigation which includes but is not limited to:
• The issues discussed with the investigator at any time.
• The fact that I am participating in an investigation.
• My opinions on the validity or nature of the complaint.
• Whether and what other individuals might also be participating in the investigation.
• All documents created by me or shared with me during the investigation.
Does this only apply to the investigation, or does this mean I cannot talk about the reported event at all, or only information that comes to light after signing the agreement? What is the scope?
Are the terms even enforceable, like is the first one saying I can neither confirm nor deny I have reported something to HR?
Could signing this in any way limit legal action I could take? I'm in Canada but the company was recently bought out by an American company so the HR department is in the US.