First, I'm not developing any software used for piracy, hacking or online game cheating.
Inspired by some AutoHotkey scripts, I made program that acts like a macro for some game launcher and updater tasks - ironically it also automates accepting the very EULA for that game whenever game is updated, while breaking that EULA by interacting with the game launcher.
The software is open source and I did not put great effort to hide any links between me and the software. With enough effort one could link it to my person.
In my case, the impact of the software is insignificant both by number of users and severity of violation. But my question is generic - as far as no damage is done to anyone by my software violating third party's EULA, can I be held responsible? Or is it the user - who is fully aware of the violation and actively participates in it by pressing a "start" button - who is the violator?