I had a "Property (Contracting Out) Agreement" (Prenup) drawn about the time I got married many years ago.
Recent life events require that I revisit my financial affairs (not related to my Marriage), and my Lawyer advised that a Prenup is a "Living Document" and should be reviewed. He persisted with this view - possibly for reasons I don't grasp - even when I advised him I really do not want to review the Prenup "and that it is what it is" (because it will put unnecessary stress on my relationship, and because I can't see what revisiting it achieves and it would be a point of pain in my relationship).
My lawyers advice about it being a living document sounds wrong and feels like the lawyer is just trying to up their billables at my expense without having my interests forefront - which would be a concerning development. Is his advice that a Prenup is a living document correct?
(I live in New Zealand - not sure if that makes any difference)