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Help interpretting Florida Statute and specifically Jurisdiction on the waters of the state

Florida Vessel Statutes state:

327.58 Jurisdiction.—The safety regulations included under this chapter shall apply to all vessels, except as specifically excluded, operating upon the waters of this state.

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The definition of Operate:

327.02 Definitions - (33) “Operate” means to be in charge of, in command of, or in actual physical control of a vessel upon the waters of this state, to exercise control over or to have responsibility for a vessel’s navigation or safety while the vessel is underway upon the waters of this state, or to control or steer a vessel being towed by another vessel upon the waters of the state.

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Definition of "Underway":

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It seems to me, that they do not have jurisdiction, unless you are operating/underway and not while at anchor. If you are at anchor the jurisdiction would fall under the U.S. Coast Guard, as per:

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Am I missing something here? Or does the State of Florida not have jurisdiction, unless you are operating?

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