Say I produce a tool that a user can enter a bunch of personal data into to accomplish some task. Say I distribute it as an EXE file or a web site or an app, but the tool does all its thinking and storage on hardware the user provides, and doesn't actually send me any user data.
Am I a "data processor" or "data controller" or a similar concept in any jurisdiction on the basis of my having determined how the tool works or, my having the ability to publish updates to it (automatic or otherwise) that might make it work differently?
I want to parse this as the user doing things with the user's own data, but a non-sophisticated user, who does not have the expertise to do things like access the data an app has stored on a phone without the app's cooperation, might see things differently.
Is the analysis any different between, say, a free spreadsheet program that behaves reasonably, versus a free spreadsheet program that automatically stops working forever if you enter too big a value in a field you have labeled "Monthly Income" (or otherwise exhibits user-hostile, locally-controlled use of stored state)?