If a home owner-occupier dies (and there are no other owners or occupiers), heirs inherit the property and thus the right to enter the property (at least after the inheritance is formalised). How does this work in case the last remaining tenant-occupier of a rental home dies? During their life, the tenant had a right to privacy of the home, restricting the right of the landlord or heirs (or anybody else) to enter as they please. After the tenant dies, the heirs would understandably want to enter the property, and possibly the landlord would, too.
- Does the executor have the right to enter the rental home that they know (or can reasonably assume) to contain inherited property, in order to formalise the inheritance?
- Can apparent heirs (for example, the children of the last remaining parent) do so?
- Does the landlord have the right to enter the rental home unrestricted, now that it is no longer inhabited by a tenant with a right to privacy of the home?
I'm interested in answers for any location. If that is too much, let's say Germany.
NB: for the purpose of this question:
- It is clear beyond doubt to all parties that the occupant has died and that their remains have been taken care of in accordance with cultural customs (the body is not on the property but in a hospital, morgue, cemetery or so.)
- The lease is current and the rent is paid for.