There were two people in the front passenger seat of the car.
To clarify, there were two ("adult") individuals in the same seat wearing the same seat-belt and both were U.K. citizens and I am also an "adult" who is a U.K. citizen.
NOTE: Yes, I did go 5-15 MPH over the limit at one point or another.
I know this is reckless behaviour and that I shouldn't be doing such stupid things... So please don't lecture me over this.
I have a few questions on the matter:
- How illegal is this? (I.E: is it as bad as a severe offence or a minor mis-demeanour)
- What is the possibility of me getting caught?
- If I'm caught what fines and / or penalties can I expect?
- What's the absolute worst that could happen as a consequence of my actions?
- Could it be possible for me to get away with a warning?
- Could I get my licence revoked? (:/)
Thanks for the help.