My lease is up on the 31st of July and my landlord wants to sell the home. They told me yesterday the listing will go up on July 5th and that the listing agent will be in touch to schedule showing times.
I know that Michigan State law allows entry with notice by management for maintenance and repairs, as well as for emergencies. My lease agreement additionally allows the landlord entry with 24-hour notice for any reason. However, I don't see any legal statute regarding entry with or without notice for showing, nor does my lease agreement say anything about entry for showing.
Can I legally refuse to allow a listing agent entry to the property for showing? Obviously I've allowed the landlord entry for any reason, so if they were accompany the agent, I don't think I can do anything about it.
If I am within my rights to refuse entry, and a listing agent ignores the refusal and enters anyway (I will be at work when he wants to show), do I have any recourse?
For clarification, there are two parties involved here. The property owner employs a property management company. The lease is with the company, not the owner directly, so the "landlord" is the management company. I don't know if this makes a difference, but thought I would elaborate given the current answer makes reference to the landlord's right to access their own property.