In New york state is there a part of the constitution (New York State Constitution) or a law that expressly guarantees a Governor the right to executive orders? The only reference I could find to executive orders while searching was a small section saying they could use an execute order to declare a state of emergency, but not what power led them to being able to use one at all in the first place.
From my understanding of federal politics and laws there is no expressly written laws or permissions however it's an assumed ability granted to the President based on abilities he or she already has, not being able to just randomly create new laws but to make enforceable edicts based through either further laws or regulations, or other governing agencies that it has been delegated to. Is this the same?
As a side note, I'm not referring to emergency powers, or the powers granted to them during an emergency (which it seems is and now always will be forever to some extent) but just as an absolute at any given time.