Say Mike the Murderer is on trial and there's no doubt he's the murderer. 12 jurors meet. All of them think he's obviously guilty, except for one David the dissenter.
Is there any way the other 11 jurors can stop David from hanging the court? In particular, in the case that David is a bad-acting juror.
For example
- David brags to the other jurors that he wants Mike the Murderer to go free because he's sexy
- David says he hates the other jurors and is hanging the jury to spite them
This is just one example of the broader question of if jurors are allowed to disqualify each other. One final example I want to give is: what if it so happens that two people on the jury are boss Bob and employee Emma? Emma has every reason not to stand up against boss Bob during jury deliberation. What are Emma and Bob supposed to do in this case? And what about the other 10 jurors, if this comes to light?