It's currently Chinese New Year. One of the very common cultural events during this festival is the Lion Dance, which is very noisy. It's noisy enough that it's hard to talk when there's a dance nearby. Furthermore, the noise carries a long distance, and it seems fairly common for the dance to be near residential areas (apparently some condominiums engage a troupe to perform within the condominium).
Does the law set any limits on where/how often disruptive performances like these dances can be performed? I'm curiously unable to Google for any results on this. The Wikipedia article on Lion Dance doesn't say anything about legality. If there is a crime, the obvious one is breach of peace, but I don't recall seeing any police crackdowns on noisy Lion Dances either (and these dances advertise their presence, so if it is breach of peace, the lack of crackdowns is presumably not due to the police being unaware).
I'm interested in all noisy cultural events, and lion dances are just an example. If the jurisdiction matters, I'm most interested in countries where the celebration is for a minority in the country (so for lion dances, Malaysia/Indonesia would qualify, since they have substantial Chinese minorities).