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10 votes
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Are prenups legally binding in England?

I have read that prenup agreements are not legally binding in England. Is this correct?
Martel's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Can a person go to the court if she signed a contract not to go to court?

Suppose a couple signed a prenuptial contract that said they couldn't go to court regarding their divorce and custody of children. Everything must be resolved through mutual consensus and consultation ...
user366312's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Must we show our prenup agreement to the immigration office/officer?

If two person want to get marry together, but also like to have a prenup agreement as well, and one of the guys is on a non-immigrant student(F-1) visa, should they also provide their prenup agreement ...
GoodMan's user avatar
  • 461
0 votes
2 answers

Should "Prenuptial agreement" be provided while getting marriage licence?

If two person want to get married and both are agree with writing a "Prenuptial agreement", should they provide it while they want to get their marriage license or there is no need to ...
GoodMan's user avatar
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