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Child support question

I have a house that was inherited but I owe child support, but it’s not just inherit to me, it was also inherited to my sister my mom left it to both of her kids which is me and my sister my sister ...
John Tucker's user avatar
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How long do restrictive covenants apply on property willed to the state?

If I devise real property to the state of Texas in my will, and it specifies that the homeless can not be evicted on the property, how long will that restriction apply for? Assume the state accepts ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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How hard is it to dissolve an HOA?

In Texas, and in the county I'm speaking of, to dissolve or drop out of an HOA there needs to be a 2/3 majority of property owners (1 vote per property) voting in the affirmative in order for a ...
mark b's user avatar
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What is the legal term for enforcing things when an HOA has been lax previously?

Let's say an HOA has been very lax in enforcing its CC&Rs in the past. There are restrictions about fencing, but many owners got and received variances in the past and have put up fences that don'...
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