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What (new) legal principles can guide the necessary changes in social-economic (tax, social, labour) law due to AI transformation of economy and work? [closed]

What (new) legal principles can guide the necessary changes in social-economic (tax, social, labour) law due to AI transformation of economy and work? I would prefer research trends, authors and ...
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Book Revenues/Royalties That are Exempt from the Social Security Tax

Consider the following three was of publishing a book in the United States: (1) Find a publisher that will publish your manuscript. (2) Form an LLC and publish the book under that title. (3) Upload ...
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I don't know if I have an SSN but applied for a passport anyways

I was born in the U.S. to non-american parents. We moved out of the country a year later and never returned to the U.S. About 20 years later, I applied for a new passport from the consulate in my ...
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