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Canada–United States Boundary Commission – Treaty of 1925

The International Boundary Commission, which maintains the three-meter-(almost 20-foot)-wide "boundary vista" along the border, claims authority to grant or deny permission to build anything within ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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Legality of agreement between countries

How can a contract be established and enforced if the parties are countries? There is nothing in perpetuity, how can contract negotiated by fathers bear upon children. Can not children defy contract ...
murmansk's user avatar
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What consequences are there for use of chemical weapons under the Chemical Weapons Convention and related treaties?

What consequences are there for use of chemical weapons under the CWC and related treaties?
Colin's user avatar
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The use of "otherwise" in law or treaty context

The word "otherwise" is often seen in some law or treaty provisions. I am not sure about the use of otherwise and how it is actually used in these contexts. I am not a native speaker of English, and ...
nanjun's user avatar
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What's the difference between signing and ratifying a treaty?

Am I right in believing that ratification refers to local enforcement of a treaty, upon signing it?
Tobi's user avatar
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State testing unarmed ballistic weapons off some waters abroad?

The Sunday Times reported an unarmed missile had been set off from the submarine off the coast of Florida but, rather than head towards Africa, had veered towards the US. [ BBC News, Trident: ...
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Do Colombia and Norway have an extradition treaty?

I had no success googling this and thought it would be better to try here before contacting embassies.
user10573's user avatar
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Does the "natural born Citizen" requirement for presidency violate the ICERD?

Article two, clause five of the United States Constitution states: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, ...
Rhymoid's user avatar
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Nature of the Preliminary Articles of Peace of 1782 The Preliminary Articles of Peace at the URL above appear to be identical to the peace treaty usually said to be dated 1783 and ratified in 1784. ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
7 votes
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Can the US government be compelled to honor the NATO treaty?

The North Atlantic Treaty (which establishes NATO) commits each member to mutual defence in case any member is attacked. The treaty has been ratified by the US, so it is legally binding. My question ...
user69715's user avatar
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What would be involved in breaking or renegotiating NAFTA?

A couple weeks ago, a Republican candidate for president suggested that if elected, he'd renegotiate NAFTA or break it. What would be involved in either of those processes? Or specifically: Repeal/...
Nick T's user avatar
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How might this use of the Star Wars logo and universe be legal?

A French book about Star Wars recently came out, giving a psychological approach on the films and characters. The book doesn't contain images, but on the cover, the Star Wars logo is visible, and ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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Have "objection to" vs. "acceptance of" a treaty reservation ever had different effects?

The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties has provisions with regards to action a state may take in response to a reservation to a treaty. Assume that Article 20 (1-3) do not apply. Article 21: ...
jimsug's user avatar
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Will the Iran nuclear agreement become a treaty if passed?

United States. Question Will the agreement between the United States and Iran regarding their nuclear program become a U.S. treaty if passed by a simple majority of Congress? My understanding is ...
Alexanne Senger's user avatar