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4 votes

Can the government force spammers to disclose how they got my e-mail address?

A Commerce Clause challenge would fail A Commerce Clause challenge seems like a sure loser. Under the Commerce Clause, Congress “has authority to regulate and protect the instrumentalities of ...
bdb484's user avatar
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2 votes

I am not allowed to purchase Tech B unless already a customer of System A from same Company, which I do not want/need

This is freedom of contract The company sells one product to everyone, System A. The company also sells Tech B to only its pre-existing customers. That is not bundling under the general ideas of ...
Trish's user avatar
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1 vote

Can the government force spammers to disclose how they got my e-mail address?

Commercial emails are highly regulated especially under the CAN-SPAM Act, so the federal government could pass amendments to the existing law to implement your suggestion. Depending on the exact law ...
user6726's user avatar
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