American media sources seem to generally refer to Anwar al-Awlaki as “U.S.-born” (PBS; NBC; CNN) rather than as a “U.S. citizen.”

I'm just curious whether legally there is any ambiguity in al-Awlaki's citizenship status (at the time of his death), or if the media is just avoiding stating that directly. I can't find anything to suggest that his citizenship was revoked through some legal process, or that he renounced it. (Perhaps certain actions can get your citizenship revoked automatically?)

1 Answer 1


This BBC report states he was a US citizen:

US and Yemeni officials later named one of those as Samir Khan, also a US citizen but of Pakistani origin, who produced an online magazine promoting al-Qaeda's ideology.

Same with this NBC article:

The 38-year-old al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen born in New Mexico to Yemeni parents, preached at a Virginia mosque that Hasan's family attended.

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