A young lady (21) is connected to our family through friendship. Over the last year or so she has had a rough go of it. Central to these issues is a legal dispute with her step-father and the mother has sided with the step-father.
While we do not know the complete details of the situation, the wife and I are pretty sure that it is sexual in nature. There is criminal prosecution against the step-father where the young lady is the key witness.
Recently we found out that the step-father's attorney contacted this young lady. Hearing of the conversation second hand, it sounded like he was trying to manipulate her into dropping the charges. No real threats, but more of the promise of being one big happy family again, that kind of thing. Perhaps the implied threat of never being a family again if she proceeds.
I believe that this sort of thing is clearly against the law and could be grounds for disbarment. It would seem to me, that it would be especially egregious if the case in question was sexual or violent in nature. Am I correct?
If so how does this person proceed with bringing action or making a complaint against this lawyer?