What are possible options does an executor havve to evict an abusive daughter currently abusing her elderly (possibly senile) mother?
Suppose that these key facts are true:
The daughter has a history of causing harm to self and others, including suicidal ideation and is on social services radar from previous events, probably suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder but has no official diagnosis.
Ownership of the house is 50-50 between mother and daughter.
The will could be contested leaving the daughter with 25%, however 19 years have passed.
The mother is possibly showing signs of dementia.
The police and social services have been notified and are frustratingly slow and nonchalant.
There should be a way to break the current living situation. Ideally the daughter needs to be sectioned, and the mother in a smaller retirement flat with proceeds from selling the house. Are there any legal options to force eviction and/or a sale of the house?