Two countries A and B share the border. For simplicity let the border pass along the river so that it is easily legally accessible from both sides and people from two countries can see each another.
A sniper stands near the border at country A and lethally shoots someone at the other side (at country B). How can this act be classified in legal terms?
- Who will investigate the case? In United States citizen crosses Canadian border and murders someone. Who prosecutes the killer? a reminiscent situation is raised. Quoting the answer: Canada would investigate the case, because it is a murder on Canadian ground. Has the murder in my question happened on A's ground (since the act of killing was initiated from there) or on B's ground (since the victim was there at the moment of being injured)?
- If there is no extradition from A to B (or some kind of immunity applies), can it happen that the shooter avoids the prosecution completely? Here I mean the prosecution for the murder only; the shooter may have violated other laws like owning the weapon illegally or using it in public, this clearly is internal for country A and is out of scope of the question.