I notice that, on social media, there are numbers of videos by detransitioners, or those unable to reverse their procedures, expressing their regret for a childhood decision that was facilitated by medical and other professionals but now regretted.
They may now be adults or indeed still minors but what they have in common is that they transitioned as minors.
If they wanted to band together and bring a class action, who might they sue and on what grounds?
I am mainly interested in US and UK law but other countries are of interest.
Doctors Have Failed Them, Say Those Who Regret Transitioning Written by Alicia Ault March 22, 2022 https://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/news/20220322/doctors-have-failed-them-say-those-who-regret-transitioning
'I feel angry': Why some people regret and reverse their transgender decisions 'I’m angry that every single doctor and therapist we saw told us this was the one and only option' Author of the article:Tom Blackwell Published Dec 14, 2020 https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/i-feel-angry-why-some-people-regret-and-reverse-their-transgender-decisions