I know that in many countries republishing any web article from another website without consent is considered a form of plagery and copyright enfringement and is therefore illegal.
But I am looking to republish a couple of paid articles from wsj.com on my own website. According to the Wall Street Journal's terms of use i may be required to pay them a licensing fee first in order to get permission to reproduce the articles.
However I don't have a lot of money and therefore don't want to pay any licensing fee. So my idea was to just read every article i want to republish and then write a paraphrased version of the article to put on my website. This paraphrased article would have completely different sentences compared to the original article but would describe the same information nonetheless. Would it be legal for me to publish such an article on my website without having to pay a licensing fee to The Wall Street Journal?
I am mentioning the Wall Street Journal in this thread, but my question applies to the paid articles of other online news websites as well. So to put the question more broadly: what does US law say about reproducing a copyrighted article in a paraphrased or summarized form? Is it legal or illegal to do so without prior consent?
EDIT: Jen posted two useful links in the comments of two other law stackexchange threads that are about the same subject as this thread. However none of the answers in those threads quote the relevant part(s) from US law. I would like to know what US law says about paraphrasing an article and i would like the answer to include quotations from US law.