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Does it say anywhere in the tax code that it is a law to pay FEDERAL taxes [duplicate]

I thought I heard there was one court case of a sovereign citizen who asked the question of the prosecution where in the tax code it says that paying federal taxes is the law. When the prosecution was ...
Lee Beck Davila's user avatar
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At what point does a tax become a ban?

I believe that it is mostly uncontroversial that it is constitutional for a state to tax firearm purchases at a reasonable rate. If a state had a law imposing a 10% sales tax on all firearm and ...
Someone's user avatar
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Tax forms signature requirement violating the 5th Amendment? [duplicate]

I notice that the IRS requires taxpayers to sign their tax forms under a notice that states "I declare under penalty of perjury that ....[the information provided on the form is true]". ...
Cicero's user avatar
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Does Article 1 Section 3 of the Oregon Constitution give taxpayers the right to prevent their taxes from being used to fund abortion?

Section 3. Freedom of religious opinion. No law shall in any case whatever control the free exercise, and enjoyment of religeous [sic] opinions, or interfere with the rights of conscience. — Could ...
Someone's user avatar
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The Constitution, Law, and Income tax [closed]

First let me say this, I'm not a Sovereign citizens, i'm not trying to not pay taxes, i'm not trying to argue if it is legal or not that you have to pay, you do. What im more interested in is the ...
Citizen Kane's user avatar
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Apportion of revenue tax: how would it be implemented?

The following is a quote of The Triumph of Injustice by Saez and Zucman. According to the Constitution, direct taxes had to be apportioned among the states according to the population of each state. ...
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar
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What is meant by direct Taxes in Article 1 Section 2 in the US Constitution?

I am new when it comes to understanding the US Constitution and I am not comfortable with Section 2, Paragraph 3 of Article 1! [Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the ...
Gregory's user avatar
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Does Justice Roberts Obamacare opinion contradict itself?

Chief Justice Roberts' opinion in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius upheld the ACA individual mandate as a tax. Disagreeing with the joint dissenters (Alito, Thomas, Kennedy, and ...
Naftali Tzvi's user avatar
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Would "ex post facto" apply to tax deduction laws?

Yesterday I had a discussion with my colleague. This year I am traveling rather large distances for work. My colleague asked me how I can bear the costs of travel. I told her it is ok, because the ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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is a state-run monopoly a market participant?

Hypo: A state wishes to tax alcohol to raise revenue while at the same time protecting their local producers. They have settled on accomplishing this by prohibiting the sale of liquor in privately-...
S J's user avatar
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Why are state income taxes not a violation of Section 9 of the Constitution?

A naive reading of Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution would seem to suggest that income taxes, which is the same thing as a "captitation" tax, a tax on a person, are not allowed: No ...
Cicero's user avatar
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Is a supermajority requirement for raising taxes constitutional?

In a number of US states, in order to enact new taxes or increase taxes, a two-thirds majority vote is required in the legislature or through a ballot proposition. Some supermajority requirements, ...
user3101366's user avatar
-4 votes
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Is Citizen-Based Taxation Constitutional?

The U.S. is currently one of two countries in the world that imposes taxes on all her its citizens regardless of where they live or where they earn money from. The other is Eritrea. Considering that ...
C H's user avatar
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Does the right against self incrimination mean you can't be forced to file a tax return?

Irwin Schiff claims that because you have a right against self incrimination and therefore it is wrong for you to have to reveal anything about what you make. Therefore, the government can levy the ...
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