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Stackstuck's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
3 votes

Contract change after both parties sign

2 votes

What are the legal aspects around distribution of a new work based on public domain work but in a new medium?

2 votes

Intellectual Property of Stack Exchange posts

2 votes

Is it legal to use corporate public information in an (mobile) app?

2 votes

Is it legal to build same website like amazon

2 votes

How do people hire only specific demographics but not face discrimination suits?

1 vote

Can an employer request recertification for a spouses permanent disability?

1 vote

Is it a Copyright Infringement to commercially use a CC0 photo of a cosplay of a movie character?

1 vote

Trademark use in software package names (USA)

1 vote

How can I protect 3D characters which are used as emoji in a chat app?

1 vote

Is it legal to operate a vehicle without a license in the purpose of traveling

0 votes

Job Contract Copyright Waiver

0 votes

Platforms and 3rd Party Content

0 votes

Hypothetical: Suing over destroyed property given away freely?

-1 votes

Trademark infringement?

-1 votes

Is it legal to use screen recording of different google image search results for profit?