I'm working on a project for a company and I’m not sure if it's legal. I've made a system that automatically analyses my e-mail account and then displays statistics like:
-Most common senders
-Most common origin countries
-A heat map
I try to make statistics based on all malicious e-mail messages in my own personal e-mail account.
To make this possible I made a script in Python that extracts all e-mail headers from all e-mail in my mail account. I process:
e-mail names
e-mail addresses
IP-look-up information
On the IP-address in the header and some other basic information.
In the Netherlands we have a law (Wbp) what is based on 95/46/EG the Europa version. It feels like I’m not allowed to process personal information like name, country and e-mail address. But if this is not allowed why can we view this information on the e-mail clients? Then Gmail should violate the rules as well?
I use only information what Gmail/Outlook make available for me. I'm not asking for people to send me e-mail message they choose to send me those spam e-mails. Is it because they choose to send an e-mail to me I’m allowed to view/process there information?
I'm not allowed by the law to process personal informative that can trace back to the person. While I'm doing this by making a world map with a head map to get a feeling from which countries most e-mail comes. But to make this information I store the persons name, e-mail and country. But when having a Gmail/Outlook account I do basically the same without visualizing the data in a dashboard.
Does someone know if this is allowed in The Netherlands or in Europa? And if yes/no why? I have to defend this reason but ATM I’m not sure.