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Questions tagged [attempt]

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14 votes
3 answers

Can you be convicted of an attempted crime by making an omission?

The position regarding omissions for actual offences is generally relatively straightforward. In the United Kingdom, the legal position is that murder can be committed by omission in exceptional ...
FD_bfa's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is the defendant liable for attempted murder when the attempt resulted in the death of an unintended second victim?

The doctrine of transferred intent applies when the defendant intends to harm a particular victim but as a result an unintended second victim receives that harm. I understand that attempted crimes can’...
Richard Caretti's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

Is attempted manslaughter a real crime?

Is there such thing as being charged with attempted manslaughter? During a scene of a movie where they're reading out another character's rap sheet they mention 'attempted manslaughter'. As I ...
Ethan's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

For a criminal attempt, when is an act more than merely preparatory?

In several jurisdictions, the actus reus of a criminal attempt is taking an act beyond mere preparation towards the completion of a criminal offence. What is the test for determining when an act is ...
Jen's user avatar
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