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Questions tagged [emotional-distress]

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2 answers

Casual Agreements to Privacy and Civil Lawsuits

So, let’s say that a husband and wife do something like this: a husband offers the wife an agreement (via a casual text message) that neither party will disclose the details of what they did in their ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does IIED (emotional distress) apply to infidelity and if no, why not?

I found this interesting corner of law called IIED (Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress). To a layman's eye, ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can you sue for emotional distress in FL over an erroneous eviction notice?

Lets say Jane is late on paying her rent by a few days (Due on the 1st, Grace period til the 4th, Paid on the 7th). Several days after paying, she receives a physical notice on the door demanding ...