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Questions tagged [civil-judgment]

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Decree letter for Registry Trust

I filed a Simple Procedure against a company several months ago, who later paid me. I recently received an email from someone who works for that company, see below: Dear [Medulla Oblongata], I refer ...
Medulla Oblongata's user avatar
5 votes
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Would Trump's lawsuit against Judge Juan Merchan be barred by Spark v. Stumpman?

Donald Trump filed a lawsuit against Judge Juan Merchan today after he issued a limited gag order earlier to prevent damaging judicial administration via witness and jury intimidation. The Supreme ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Casual Agreements to Privacy and Civil Lawsuits

So, let’s say that a husband and wife do something like this: a husband offers the wife an agreement (via a casual text message) that neither party will disclose the details of what they did in their ...
LegalNonExpert's user avatar
0 votes
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Example of res judicata and collateral estoppel in the US [duplicate]

I know that res judicata, also known as claim preclusion, prohibits lawsuits involving the same cause of action and the same parties if the court has entered a final judgment on the merits. On the ...
HelloDarkWorld's user avatar
-2 votes
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Civil Case - Damages exceeding $250,0000.00 (sic) [closed]

First, the number in the title is not a typo. This is from a civil case that reads: "WHEREFORE Plaintiffs respectfully pray for the Judgement of this Court in their favor and against ######, for ...
RogerWeezie's user avatar
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How can Alex Jones avoid paying the money he owes?

Alex Jones owes more than $1 billion dollars from the court cases he has lost. As far as I know, he has yet to pay a cent. From a legal perspective, how can he avoid paying any money at all for so ...
Simd's user avatar
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What award can an unpaid independent contractor expect? What are the legal incentives to pay contractors?

I (Washington State, USA) worked, under contract, for an LLC (Los Angeles, California, USA) and never received payment. I was considered an independent contractor; contract specifies Californian ...
user2206636's user avatar
1 vote
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Corporate Asset inventory discovery for enforcement of judgments

Bob has tried to resolve an issue with a large company’s customer service department to no avail. He then sends them a letter before claim and finally issues a small claim against them for the refund ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
9 votes
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Is it possible for a court to adjust damages awards upward beyond what is asked for?

When a plaintiff (or counter-claimant) has only sought $1 in relief, do courts ever adjust that upward to reflect the true value of damages?
TylerDurden's user avatar
1 vote
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How are civil judgments most typically settled?

A is suing B, and the court has awarded A £5000. Who decides how this balance should be paid, and what is the most common method of payment? Is it usually done through a bank transfer or a cheque? Can ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is a witness evidentiary if it cannot be disproven?

I am having trouble understanding the logic of the law discrepancy between hearsay and witness testimony in towards proving guilt rather than innocence.
Nick Carducci for Carface Bank's user avatar
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If county court claim is issued to incorrect or old address, can a default judgment be entered against the respondent?

If an alleged debtor moves homes again and is then unreachable at his old address, or if the claimant simply has an incorrect address and serves the claim on this address, then the respondent can't be ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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What powers do civil courts have to probe the finances of a defeated defendant refusing to pay compensation or even claiming destitution?

Are bailiffs ever used to enforce civil damages judgments as they are for fines and evictions? If a defendant wishes to get out of paying the compensation ordered due, how hard is it for then to ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
15 votes
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Can possession of an asset be assumed in US civil court?

I'm wondering about what facts can be assumed in a civil court, or in different terms, is civil court more concerned about the exact argument between parties, rather than actual facts? In Bitcoin news,...
user avatar
-2 votes
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Could there be legal action against me for non-payment of rent with no written contract? [closed]

I have occupied a room in freehold from a family for about 2 years now. There was never a lease. For the past 10 months I have not been living there (but at my girlfriend's place), I go there once a ...
10101010's user avatar
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14 votes
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What does a default judgement mean in the Alex Jones case

NPR ran a story about the judgment against Alex Jones by parents of Sandy Hook victims. Below is an excerpt (emphasis mine) Judge Maya Guerra Gamble in Austin, home of Infowars, entered default ...
sevensevens's user avatar
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Searching New York civil litigation case law

Are civil cases litigated in the state of New York between private businesses back in the 1980s accessible to the general public somewhere somehow, either free or behind a paywall? Say I know that a ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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Civil Case- Tricky Eviction

Let’s say, for instance, that a person is renting a home from someone who has died. However, the alleged landlord is the son of the deceased owner of the home. Only problem is that this son has never ...
James Locklear's user avatar
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How/where to find precedent civil cases (Canada)?

I am interested in learning about some civil cases that happened in the past. What are the resources that one could use to find thematic breakdown of such cases? For example, where would I be able to ...
AK88's user avatar
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Civil prosecution for motoring offences in the UK

If an there's evidence (e.g. video footage) of a motoring offense being committed, such as speeding, dangerous driving, and the CPS haven't prosecuted, is it possible to make a civil prosecution. ...
James's user avatar
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If a homeowner's liability from an insurance claim exceeds total coverage, can a court order that the payout all go to satisfying the liability?

Here is an extreme, hypothetical scenario that will hopefully explain what I mean by my question: Let’s say a court finds that Bob’s negligence somehow caused an explosion that destroyed Bob’s house ...
resplaine's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can I sue a client for the 'delta' in price if I accepted his (insulting) offer?

I have a client who refuse to respect one of the clauses in our contract and offer an alternative for much less. Short version: client must provide me a suite in his hotel that costs $10K for a night ...
ProcolHarum's user avatar
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Are judges limited in their reasoning to arguments raised by the parties?

Bob files a civil lawsuit agaist Rob. For simplicity, let's assume they both represent themselves. At the hearing, Bob says: "Here is the evidence. Rob was wrong because of reason A, so he owes me ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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Is it possible to seek a declaratory judgment without having a dispute / opposing sides?

Specifics: I am a board member of a condominium association in Florida, U.S. Our governing documents (articles of incorporation, declaration of condominium, by-laws) are completely silent on the ...
scottbb's user avatar
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Can I take my Appeal to Supreme Court in UK if my permission to appeal is refused [closed]

I am appealing a biased, wrong in law and in facts, a Judgement against me in a possession claim that was based on speculation and miss-representation of facts. the District Judge took exactly the ...
kensington's user avatar
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Appeal process in UK from District Judge

Could anyone please explain to me my options. I am appealing against a possession order from a District Judge to a Circuit Judge. I have a hearing for permission to appeal in two weeks time. I am ...
kensington's user avatar
4 votes
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Can a creditor double their money after a default by joint debtors?

Can a creditor double their money after a default by joint debtors? In other words, lets say that two people jointly owe a bank $100,000 and both are fully responsible for the loan. The loan goes ...
Cicero's user avatar
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Is it criminal to take evasive actions to avoid paying a civil judgment?

If a lawsuit goes against the defendant and a judgment is rendered against the defendant, is it a criminal act for the defendant to then start hiding their assets or taking deliberate steps to evade ...
Cicero's user avatar
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Can language in a settlement agreement have affect on taxes for a personal injury lawsuit?

I am located and suing in California. My lawyers filed a personal injury lawsuit/claim and sent a CCP 998, which the defendant accpected for judgment in my favor. The defense has sent over a ...
d.ariane's user avatar
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6 votes
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Catherine Middleton topless pictures ruling - why €100k in damages?

As currently reported in the press, Catherine Middleton (the Duchess of Cambridge) sued the French magazine Closer for publishing topless photos of her sun-bathing, and she and her husband were ...
sleske's user avatar
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What happens to a judgment when one of the parties dies?

A sues B, wins a judgment, and can't collect because B has no money. A dies. Is B off the hook? B dies first. Does A have a claim against B's estate?
Libra's user avatar
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Increase in civil award damages in 1980s?

It seems that there was a large increase in civil awards around 1980. Piper Aircraft went bankrupt in 1991 after a decade of fighting lawsuits. In 1975, there were 20 makers of football helmets. By ...
Cicero's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How do courts redress jury decisions when evidence of jury bias is present?

tl;dr: How do courts redress jury decisions when evidence of jury bias is present? Example case I know from Georgia: victim hit by a drunk driver. The players and timeline below. Plaintiff (victim)...
lizphenix's user avatar
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Seizure of automobile as a result of a judgement

I am a landlord in Pennsylvania and am in the process of an eviction of a very bad tenant. There will be a judgement for back rent and damages, however, the personal property of the tenant is pure ...
closetnoc's user avatar
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What happens if a person does not pay for the sentence in a small claims court?

The Small Claims Court in California say that they cannot collect the value awarded by any sentence that they deliver. What happens to the defendant if he/she is sentenced to pay the plaintiff but ...
Gabriel Diego's user avatar
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What are consequences for defendant failing to meet orders of civil court?

I read that a civil court judge may order that a defendant, for example, pay damages; or, another example, provide particulars relevant to the pre-trial pleadings. But what if they don't comply? ...
Mavaddat Javid's user avatar