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Questions tagged [prenuptial-agreement]

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15 votes
4 answers

Can a person go to the court if she signed a contract not to go to court?

Suppose a couple signed a prenuptial contract that said they couldn't go to court regarding their divorce and custody of children. Everything must be resolved through mutual consensus and consultation ...
user366312's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Are prenups legally binding in England?

I have read that prenup agreements are not legally binding in England. Is this correct?
Martel's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to sign a prenup after marriage (still married but post-nuptial)

Is it possible to sign a prenup after marriage (still married but post-nuptial). If a couple is married, but now wants to ensure each keep their respective properties, is this possible? Can a “post-...
Cybernetic's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is a Prenuptial Agreement a "living document"?

I had a "Property (Contracting Out) Agreement" (Prenup) drawn about the time I got married many years ago. Recent life events require that I revisit my financial affairs (not related to my ...
davidgo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Must we show our prenup agreement to the immigration office/officer?

If two person want to get marry together, but also like to have a prenup agreement as well, and one of the guys is on a non-immigrant student(F-1) visa, should they also provide their prenup agreement ...
GoodMan's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Should "Prenuptial agreement" be provided while getting marriage licence?

If two person want to get married and both are agree with writing a "Prenuptial agreement", should they provide it while they want to get their marriage license or there is no need to ...
GoodMan's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you write a prenup purely for the benefit of your child(ren)?

If there are no kids then you want the prenup to be nothing. If there are children then you want some sort of clause that means money spent helps them. Like money spent on divorce lawyers means money ...
Sam Dean's user avatar
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