My girlfriend bought a new Samsung A7 phone in Spain. At first she wanted to go for a cheaper one, but was approached by a clerk which presented her A7 2018 version. The clerk specifically said that the phone was waterproof up to 1m in water. Girlfriend was naive (didn't read the manual or googled it) and bought that A7 2018 phone instead. Few days later she tried the 'waterproof test' (Don't ask me why...).
The phone got damaged and stopped working. She took the phone to the store to see if it can be fixed within the warranty. Few days later, an email was received that the damage caused is not covered in warranty (water damage), and that fixing it will cost more than a new phone.
I told her that the odds of getting it fixed for free are close to zero. She got tricked by clerk but cannot prove it.
I want to confirm that here. Are there any laws in EU which could be used in favour of this case?
Small note: The phone was bought in MediaMarkt - multinational chain specified for selling electronics