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For questions specific to the United States as a whole, or that span multiple state jurisdictions. If your question is related to a specific state then you should use that state's tag instead (or as well).

1 vote

What's the difference between the Colorado baker case and Alex Jones getting banned?

In the US, there are a few things which are explicitly illegal to discriminate on. Religion and sexuality is one of them. Everything else, like political views, is fair game. The obvious difference b …
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2 votes

What legal authority does a lifeguard have?

They don't have much legal authority as lifeguards. However, the pool does have legal authority to refuse anyone access to their facility. They probably have a list of rules posted somewhere (entrance …
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it illegal to wear military surplus clothing?

I have heard that wearing parts of a military uniform in the US is technically illegal, even though the law is rarely enforced. I purchased a military surplus jacket from a thrift store. The front ha …
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1 answer

What if you lived in a shed?

There are many companies such as Tuff Shed/Home Depot that sell portable sheds. These are usually marketed as being for storage/utility purposes, but some of them can be quite sizable with fairly nice …
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6 votes
6 answers

Legal consequences of not tipping in the US

In the US, there is an expectation of almost always tipping certain service providers like waiters and bartenders. Generally, it is expected that customers tip 15% for ordinary service, 20% or more fo …
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7 votes
1 answer

Can an employee be fired for planning to take FMLA?

In the US, Family and Medical Leave is protected by federal law. Part of the provisions is that you cannot fire an employee for taking FMLA. Presumably, if an employer was malicious, they would attemp …
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Can you legally do medically approved testing on mice?

In traditional research labs, all animal research requires IRB approval. The IRB certifies that, among other things, the animals are appropriately housed, the research is not excessively cruel, and th …
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5 votes
3 answers

What is necessary for a newly formed religion to enjoy first amendment protections?

Is it possible to simply declare that you have started a new religion with arbitrary rules, and expect to enjoy all applicable first amendment protections for it? For example, if your religion just ha …
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Is there a minimum speed limit on US hwy 60 in OK? Are bicycles legal on US hwy 60 in OK?

There's not an explicit minimum speed limit, but note that the officer didn't say you were below the limit - he said you obstructed traffic. The limit on that highway is probably about 70 mph, and in …
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3 votes
2 answers

Shopping for US immigration lawyers: What to ask in consultation?

I am in the process of finding an attorney to help with my Green Card application. I consider myself very knowledgeable about this subject, but I am not an expert nor do I have any personal experience …
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1 vote

Taking action against telemarketing calls in the USA

In the US, there is actually a lot of legislation that protects people from such annoyances. For example, if you are on the National Do Not Call List then telemarketers are not allowed to call you. Th …
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What is the law on NICS checks when purchasing firearms?

In the US it is common practice for sellers of firearms to follow the following process: Ask buyer to fill out ATF form 4473 Call NICS to verify that the DOJ/FBI is not aware of any prohibitions agai …
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1 answer

What is the legality of signing someone up for a subscription without their permission?

Is it legal for a merchant to subscribe a person to a service, and start charging them periodically, without that person's explicit agreement? For example, suppose Netflix happens to have your credit …
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5 votes

How do concepts like intent, discrimination, and bias apply to an Artificial Intelligence ag...

Firstly, true artificial intelligence does not yet exist. The term "artificial intelligence" is a bit of a buzzword, used to refer to things like neural networks and decision trees, which are really j …
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