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Serving evidence to ex-landlord and being able to prove it

I am trying to save money as I don't have much to spare. I need to serve the landlord with any documents that I serve the court. Typically this is done through registered mail, but this is expensive ...
SamT's user avatar
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What evidence is available to prove the amount of a flight delay in UK court?

I'll likely be taking easyJet to court over a meal expense; they claim the flight in question was only delayed by 50 minutes, while in fact it was delayed by 2.5 hours on departure (the threshold ...
Crazydre's user avatar
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loaded questions in pseudo-legal scenario

How is a loaded question dealt with in a legal, or legalistic, context? Is there particular language which is typically employed, or is there a strategy which is particularly effective? The specific ...
Thufir's user avatar
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Is it bad to have communication with opposing party outside of court?

I started a claim against someone. The level of court does not require lawyers. The defendant rejected all my claims through the court, but contacted me by email saying he wishes to meet in person to ...
dutyanalysing's user avatar
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What's the best way to include e-mails as evidence from a technical perspective?

It probably would be easiest to copy and paste quotes from emails into my evidence submission. But of course text could easily be changed in this format. I could take a screen shot of the email as I ...
dutyanalysing's user avatar
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What information will be made public by CRT and for how long?

I would like to bring a case to the Civil Resolution Tribunal. I would like to know more about it's privacy. From there Information Access & Privacy Policy it appears the public can access just ...
dutyanalysing's user avatar
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When going to court should a plaintiff preemptively refute the other sides defense?

In small claims court, if the plaintiff knows what the defendant will likely say, should the plaintiff address these in the initial application? This makes sense to me because usually someone going to ...
dutyanalysing's user avatar
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How does providing written messages as evidence work?

For agreements made by e-mail, text message or even written on paper, how can they be used as evidence in small claims court? For example if a plaintiff claimed a defendant owes him $100 for work ...
dutyanalysing's user avatar
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When is something inadmissible as evidence because it's considered a negotiation?

To my understanding anything can be used as evidence unless a specific law prohibits it. When is negotiating inadmissible as evidence? My (ex)landlord demanded I move out immediately. I told him I ...
dutyanalysing's user avatar